
The following list identifies references that provided information about gypsy moths.

  1. The National Geographic Magazine July, 1914.
  2. The National Geographic Magazine August, 1941
  3. Gypsy Moth - Its History in America, Robert M. McClung, 1974
  4. The Great Gypsy Moth War - A History of the First Campaign in Massachusetts to Eradicate the Gypsy Moth, 1890-1901, Robert J. Spear, 2005
  5. USDA Forest Service, 180 Canfield St. Morgantown WV 26505
  6. USDA Forest and Disease Leaflet 162
  7. Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin Extension
  8. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Department of Entomology
  9. Press release from the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Thursday 19, 2007
    - New Jersey Gears Up To Slow The Spread Of Gypsy Moth
  10. University of Maine Extension, Pest Management Office, 492 College Avenue Orono Maine 04473